Slow or stop a drive motor and the load is as important as a starting point in many applications such as cranes and pull (traction) on a slope to avoid excessive speed. Methods based on frictional braking, electromechanical response, eddy currents and so on. It does not depend on the motor, but sometimes electric braking (electric Braking) is better, especially the economy and the absence of wear on the brake (brake wear). DC motors are widely used as a convenient holding or braking. One reason for this is a good braking characteristics and the ability to change (transition) is smooth from the motor to generator mode (generator mode) and vice versa. During the braking, the motor operating as a generator and power (potential energy) or kinetic gravity attraction (gravitational) dissipated to the resistance (plugging) or return to the supply (regenerative Braking). Electromechanical braking is a process to stop the motor. Braking can be done to stop the rotation of the motor angkir. For large motors are inertial load (angkir spin) on the motor. As such it can not be dismissed so quickly.
Dynamic braking
This braking is more popular. It was was one way to stop the motor with a rotation angkir disconnect bekalan angkir of the stem and attached to the outer barrier. When the outer barrier spliced stream, he will exchange direction, dayakilas will apply to the fight against the direction of rotation. Dayakilas the opposite direction causes the motor will stop. In this way also can dihadkan angkir flow during pembrekan process. Kaedah can be described briefly as in Figure 5.1:
Figure 5.1: Block diagram of a dynamic braking method
Referring to Figure 11.1 before braking dynamic output voltage specified as follows;
E0 = Va - IaRa
After the dynamic braking.
Eo = It (Ra + Rb) or Ia =

At the beginning of braking power;
P = EoIa or P = EoxEo/Rb (Assume a small Ra)
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