high voltage circuit breaker
- Identify types of high voltage circuit
a. air blast circuit breaker
Air blast circuit breaker used compressed air or gas as the arc
interrupting medium. In the air blast, circuit breaker compressed air is stored
in a tank and released through a nozzle to produce a high-velocity jet; this is
used to extinguish the arc. Air blast circuit breakers are used for indoor
services in the medium high voltage field and medium rupturing capacity.
a. pemutus litar letusan udara
Pemutus litar letusan udara menggunakan udara atau gas termampat sebagai medium
yang mengganggu arka. Dalam letusan udara, pemutus litar udara termampat
disimpan dalam tangki dan dilepaskan melalui muncung untuk menghasilkan jet
halaju tinggi; ini digunakan untuk memadamkan arka. Pemutus litar udara
digunakan untuk perkhidmatan dalaman dalam medan voltan tinggi sederhana dan
kapasiti pecah sederhana.
contacts are opened in a flow of air-blast established by the opening of blast
valve. The air-blast cools the arc and sweeps away the arcing products to the
atmosphere. This rapidly increases the dielectric strength of the medium
between contacts and prevents from re-establishing the arc. Consequently, the
arc is extinguished and flow of current is interrupted.
dibuka dengan aliran letupan udara yang dihasil kan oleh pembukaan injap
letupan. Letupan udara menyejukkan arka dan menyapu produk arcing ke atmosfera.
Ini dengan cepat meningkatkan kekuatan dielektrik medium antara contact dan
pencegahan daripada membina semula arka. Akibatnya, arka dipadamkan dan aliran
arus terganggu.
of Air Blast Circuit Breaker
air blast circuit breakers follow the principle of separating their contacts in
a flow of arc established by the opening of a blast valve. The arc which is
drawn is usually rapidly positioned centrally through a nozzle where it is kept
to a fixed length and is subjected to the maximum range by the air flow. The
air blast circuit breakers according to the type of flow of blast of compressed
around the contacts are of three types namely axial, radial and cross blast.
Depending upon the direction of air-blast in relation to
the arc, air-blast circuit breakers are classified into:
a) Axial-blast
type in which the air-blast is directed along the path as shown in Figure 13 (i)
Figure 13: Types of
Air-Blast Circuits Breakers
Cross-blast type in which the air-blast is
directed at right angles to the arc path as shown in Figure 13 (ii)
c) Radial-blast
type in which the air-blast is directed radially as shown in Figure 13 (iii)
i) Axial-blast air circuit breaker
Figure 14 shows the essential component of a typical axial-blast
air circuit breaker. The fixed
and moving contacts are held in the closed position by spring pressure under
normal conditions. The air reservoirs are connected to the arcing chamber
through an air valve. This valve remains closed under normal conditions but
open automatically by the tripping impulse when a fault occurs on the system.
Rajah 14 menunjukkan komponen penting bagi pemutus litar udara paksi-letusan
tipikal. Contact tetap dan bergerak dipegang dalam kedudukan tertutup
oleh tekanan spring di bawah keadaan normal. Takungan udara disambungkan ke
ruang pembongkaran melalui injap udara. Injap ini tetap ditutup di bawah
keadaan normal tetapi dibuka secara automatik oleh dorongan tersendiri apabila
berlaku kerosakan pada sistem.
Figure 14: Axial-blast air
circuit breaker
When a fault occurs, the tripping impulse causes opening
of the air valve which connects the circuit breakers reservoirs to the arcing
chamber. The high pressure air entering the arcing chamber pushes away the
moving contact against spring pressure. The moving contact is separated and an
arc is struck. At the same time, high pressure air blast flows along the arc
and takes away the ionized gasses along with it. Consequently, the arc is
extinguished and current flow is interrupted.
Apabila berlaku kerosakan, impuls 'tripping' yang menyebabkan injap udara membuka saluran yang menghubungkan takungan pemutus litar ke arcing chamber. Udara tekanan tinggi yang memasuki arcing chamber menolak contact bergerak terhadap tekanan spring. Contact bergerak dipisahkan dan arka di'struck'. Pada masa yang sama, letusan udara tekanan tinggi mengalir sepanjang arka dan menghilangkan gas terion dengannya. Akibatnya, arka dipadamkan dan aliran arus terganggu.
It may be noted that in such circuit breakers, the contact separation required for separation is generally small. Such a small gap may constitute inadequate clearance for the normal service voltage. Therefore, as isolating switch is incorporated as a part of this type of circuit breakers. This switch opens immediately after faults interruption to provide the necessary clearance for insulations.
Perlu diperhatikan bahawa dalam pemutus litar tersebut, pemisahan contact yang diperlukan untuk pemisahan pada umumnya kecil. Jurang kecil itu mungkin merupakan pelepasan(clearance) yang tidak mencukupi untuk voltan perkhidmatan biasa (normal service voltage). Oleh itu, sebagai mengasingkan suis dimasukkan sebagai sebahagian daripada pemutus litar jenis ini. Suis ini dibuka dengan serta-merta selepas gangguan 'fault' untuk menyediakan pelepasan(clearance) yang diperlukan untuk penebat.
ii) Cross-blast
air breaker
In this type of circuit breaker, an air-blast is directed
at right angles to the arc. The cross-blast lengthness and forces the arc into
a suitable chute for arc extinction. Figure below shows the essential parts of
a typical cross-blast air circuit breaker.
Dalam pemutus litar jenis ini, letusan udara diarahkan pada sudut tepat ke arka. Panjangnya silang silang dan memaksa arka masuk ke chute yang sesuai untuk kepupusan arka. Rajah di bawah menunjukkan bahagian-bahagian penting dari pemutus litar udara serentak biasa.
When the moving contact is withdrawn, an arc is struck
between the fixed and moving contacts. The high pressure cross-blast forces the
arc into a chute consisting of arc splitter and baffles. The splitters serve to
increase the length of the arc and baffles give improved cooling. The result is
that arc is extinguished and flow of current is interrupted. Since blast
pressure is same for all currents, the inefficiency at low currents is
eliminated. The final gap for interruption is great enough to give normal
insulation clearance so that a series isolating switch is necessary.
Apabila contact bergerak ditarik balik, arc dihasilkan ) antara contact tetap dan bergerak. Tekanan tinggi tekanan silang memaksa arc ke chute yang terdiri daripada splitter arc dan baffles. Splitter berfungsi untuk meningkatkan panjang arka dan baffle memberikan penyejukan yang lebih baik. Hasilnya ialah arc dipadamkan dan aliran arus terganggu. Oleh kerana tekanan letusan adalah sama untuk semua arus, ketidakcekapan pada arus rendah dihapuskan. Jurang terakhir untuk gangguan (final gap for interruption) adalah cukup besar untuk memberikan pelepasan(clearance) penebatan biasa supaya suis pengasingan(isolating switch) siri diperlukan.
Figure 15: Cross-blast air
oil circuit breaker
Oil circuit breaker is such type of circuit breaker which
used oil as a dielectric or insulating medium for arc extinction. In oil
circuit breaker the contacts of the breaker are made to separate within an
insulating oil. When the fault occurs in the system the contacts of the circuit
breaker are open under the insulating oil, and an arc is developed between them
and the heat of the arc is evaporated in the surrounding oil. The oil circuit
breaker is divided into two categories:
Pemutus litar minyak adalah sejenis pemutus litar yang menggunakan minyak
sebagai medium dielektrik atau penebat untuk kepupusan arka. Dalam pemutus
litar minyak, Contact pemutus dibuat untuk memisahkan dalam minyak
penebat. Apabila kesalahan berlaku dalam sistem, kenalan pemutus litar terbuka
di bawah minyak penebat, dan sebuah arka dikembangkan di antara mereka dan haba
arka diuapkan dalam minyak di sekitarnya. Pemutus litar minyak dibahagikan
kepada dua kategori:
oil circuit breakers which
are use a large quantity of oil. The oil has to serve two purposes. Firstly, it
extinguishes the arc during opening of contacts and secondly, it insulates the
current conducting parts from one another and from the earthed tank.
litar minyak pukal yang menggunakan sejumlah besar minyak. Minyak itu harus
digunakan untuk 2 tujuan. Pertama, ia memadamkan arka semasa pembukaan contact
dan kedua, ia memisahkan bahagian-bahagian yang mengoperasi arus dari
satu sama lain dan dari tangki yang dibumikan.
Low oil circuit breakers which are use minimum amount of oil. In such circuit breakers, oil is
used only for arc extinction. The current conducting parts are insulated by air
or porcelain or organic insulating material.
Pemutus litar minyak yang rendah yang
menggunakan jumlah minimum minyak. Dalam pemutus litar tersebut, minyak
digunakan hanya untuk kepupusan arka. Bahagian-bahagian-bahagian yang
mengoperasi arus diasingkan oleh udara atau porselin atau bahan penebat
Bulk oil circuit breakers
In bulk oil circuit breaker, oil performs mainly two functions. Firstly, it acts
as an arc extinguishing medium and secondly, it insulates the live parts of the
breaker from earth. The quantity of oil requires for arc extinction is only
about one-tenth of the total and the rest being used for the insulation.
Dalam pemutus litar minyak pukal, minyak melakukan terutamanya dua fungsi.
Pertama, ia berfungsi sebagai pemadam arka sederhana dan kedua, ia memisahkan
bahagian-bahagian hidup pemutus dari bumi. Kuantiti minyak memerlukan kepupusan
arka hanya kira-kira sepersepuluh dari jumlah keseluruhan dan selebihnya
digunakan untuk penebatan.
Figure 12: Oil circuit breaker
Firstly, the hydrogen gas has high heat conductivity and
cools the arc, thus aiding the de-ionization of the medium between the
Secondly the gas sets up turbulence in the oil and forces
it into space between contacts, thus eliminating the arcing products from the
arc path. The result is that arc is extinguished and circuit current
Pertama, gas hidrogen mempunyai kekonduksian haba yang tinggi dan menyejukkan arka, sekali gus membantu de-ionisasi medium antara contact.
Kedua, gas menimbulkan pergolakan dalam minyak dan memaksa ia ke ruang di antara contact, dengan itu menghapuskan arcing products dari laluan arc. Hasilnya ialah arka dipadamkan dan litar arus terganggu.
Low oil circuit breakers
Pemutus litar minyak rendah
In this type of circuit breaker minimum oil is used as an arc quenching medium and it is mounted on a porcelain insulator to insulate it from the earth. The arc chamber of such type of circuit breaker is enclosed in a bakelised paper. The lower portion of this breaker is supported by the porcelain and the upper porcelain enclosed the contacts.
Dalam minyak minimum pemutus litar jenis ini digunakan sebagai arc quenching medium dan ia dipasang pada penebat porselin untuk melindungi dari bumi. Arc chamber jenis pemutus litar seperti ini dilitupi dalam kertas bakelis. Bahagian bawah pemutus ini disokong oleh porselin dan porselin atas disertakan contact.
This circuit breaker is of the single breaker type in which a moving contact tube moves in a vertical line to make or break contact with the upper fixed contacts mounted within the arc control devices.
Pemutus litar ini adalah jenis pemutus tunggal di mana tiub contact bergerak, bergerak dalam garis menegak untuk membuat atau memutuskan contact dengan contact tetap atas (upper fixed contacts) dipasang di dalam peranti kawalan arka.
A lower ring of fixed contacts is in
permanent contact with the moving arm to provide the other terminal of the
phase unit. Within the moving contact, the tube is a fixed piston. When the
moving contact moves downwards, it forces the insulating oil to enter into the
arc control devices . Thus, the arc gets extinguished.
Cincin bawah contact tetap berada dalam contact tetap dengan lengan bergerak untuk menyediakan terminal unit fasa lain. Dalam contact yang bergerak, tiub adalah piston tetap. Apabila contact bergerak, bergerak ke bawah, ia memaksa minyak penebat untuk masuk ke dalam peranti kawalan arka. Oleh itu, arka akan dipadamkan.
Minimum oil circuit breaker requires less space as compared to bulk oil circuit breaker which is an important feature in large installations. But it is less suitable in places where the frequent operation is required because the degree of carbonisation produced in the small volume of oil is far more dangerous than in the conventional bulk oil circuit breakers and this also decreases the dielectric strength of the material.
Pemutus litar minyak minima memerlukan kurang ruang berbanding pemutus litar minyak pukal yang merupakan ciri penting dalam pemasangan besar. Tetapi ia kurang sesuai di tempat-tempat di mana operasi kerap diperlukan kerana tahap karbonisasi yang dihasilkan dalam jumlah kecil minyak adalah lebih berbahaya daripada di pemutus litar minyak pukal konvensional dan ini juga mengurangkan kekuatan dielektrik bahan.
c. vacuum circuit breaker
c. pemutus litar vakum
In such breakers, vacuum is used as the arc
quenching medium. Since vacuum offers the highest insulating strength, it has
far superior arc quenching properties than any other medium. For example, when
contacts of a breaker are opened in vacuum, the interruption occurs at first
current zero with dielectric strength between the contacts building up at a
rate thousands of times higher than that obtained with other circuit breakers.
Dalam pemutus tersebut, vakum digunakan sebagai medium pelindapkejutan. Oleh kerana vakum menawarkan kekuatan penebat tertinggi, ia mempunyai ciri-ciri penghapusan yang lebih tinggi daripada mana-mana medium lain. Sebagai contoh, apabila Contact pemutus dibuka dalam vakum, gangguan berlaku pada sifar semasa pertama dengan kekuatan dielektrik antara kenalan yang membina pada kadar ribuan kali lebih tinggi daripada yang diperoleh dengan pemutus litar lain.
The production of arc in a vacuum circuit
breaker and its extinction can be explained as follows: When the contacts of
the breaker are opened in vacuum, an arc is produced between the contacts by
the ionization of metal vapours of contacts. However, the arc is quickly
extinguished because the metallic vapours, electrons and ions produced during
arc rapidly condense on the surface of the circuit breaker contacts, resulting
in quickly recovery of dielectric strength.
Pengeluaran arka dalam pemutus litar vakum dan kepupusannya boleh dijelaskan seperti berikut: Apabila contact pemutus dibuka dalam vakum, arka dihasilkan antara contact dengan ionisasi wap logam contact. Walau bagaimanapun, arka itu cepat dimatikan kerana wap metalik(metallic vapours), elektron dan ion logam yang dihasilkan semasa arka dengan cepat mengembunkan pada permukaan contact pemutus litar, menyebabkan pemulihan cepat kekuatan dielektrik.
Figure 17 below shows the parts
of typical vacuum circuit breaker. It is consists of fixed contact,
moving contact and arc shield mounted inside a vacuum chamber. The moveable
member is connected to the control mechanism by stainless steel bellows. This
enables the permanent sealing of the vacuum chamber so as to eliminate the
possibility of leak. A glass vessel or ceramic vessel is used as the outer
insulating body. The arc shield prevents the deterioration of the internal
dielectric strength by preventing metallic vapours falling on the inside
surface of the outer insulating cover.
Rajah 17 di bawah menunjukkan bahagian pemutus litar vakum biasa. Ia terdiri daripada hubungan tetap, sentuhan bergerak dan perisai arka yang dipasang di dalam ruang vakum. Ahli yang boleh dipindahkan disambungkan ke mekanisme kawalan oleh belos keluli tahan karat. Ini membolehkan pengedap kekal ruang kebuk supaya dapat menghapuskan kebocoran. Sebuah kapal kaca atau kapal seramik digunakan sebagai badan penebat luar. Perisai arka menghalang kemerosotan kekuatan dielektrik dalaman dengan menghalang wap metalik yang jatuh pada permukaan dalam penutup luar penebat.

Figure 17: Vacuum circuit
When the breaker operates, the moving contact
separates from the fixed contact and an arc is struck between the contacts. The
production of arc is due to the ionization of metal ions and depends very much
upon the material of contact. The arc is quickly extinguished because the
metallic vapours, electrons and ions produced during arc are diffused in a
short time and seized by the surfaces of moving and fixed members and shields.
Since vacuum has very fast rate or recovery of dielectric strength, the arc
extinction in a vacuum breaker occurs with a short contact separation.
Apabila pemutus beroperasi,contact bergerak berpisah dari contact tetap dan arka dipukdihasilkan antara contact . Pengeluaran arka adalah disebabkan pengionan ion logam dan sangat bergantung pada bahan contact . Arka itu cepat dipadamkan kerana wap, elektron dan ion logam yang dihasilkan semasa arka disebarkan dalam masa yang singkat dan dirampas oleh permukaan anggota bergerak dan tetap dan perisai. Oleh kerana vakum mempunyai kadar yang sangat laju atau pemulihan kekuatan dielektrik, kepupusan arka dalam penghancur vakum berlaku dengan pemisahan contact pendek.
d. gas circuit breaker
In such circuit breakers, sulphur
hexafluoride (SF6) gas is used as the arc quenching medium. The SF6
is an electro-negative gas and has a strong tendency to absorb free electrons.
The contacts of the breaker are opened in a high pressure flow of SF6
gas and an arc is struck between them. The conducting free electrons in the arc
rapidly captured by the gas to from relatively immobile negative ions. This
loss of conducting electrons in the arc quickly builds up enough insulations
strength to extinguish the arc. The SF6 circuit breakers have been
found to be very effective for high power and high voltage service.
Dalam pemutus litar tersebut, gas sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) digunakan sebagai medium penghapusan. SF6 adalah gas elektro-negatif dan mempunyai kecenderungan kuat untuk menyerap elektron bebas. Contact pemutus dibuka dalam aliran tekanan tinggi SF6 gas dan arka dihasil di antara mereka. Mengendalikan elektron bebas dalam arka dengan cepat ditangkap oleh gas dari ion negatif yang tidak bergerak. Kehilangan penyelenggaraan elektron dalam arka dengan cepat membina kekuatan penebat yang cukup untuk memadamkan arka. Pemutus litar SF6 telah didapati sangat berkesan untuk kuasa tinggi dan perkhidmatan voltan tinggi.
Figure 16 shows the parts of typical SF6
circuit breaker. It consists of fixed and moving contacts enclosed in chamber
which is called arc interruption chamber containing SF6 gas. This chamber is
connected to SF6 gas reservoir. When the contacts of breaker are opened, the
valve mechanism permits a high pressure SF6 gas from the reservoir to flow
towards the arc interruption chamber. The fixed contacts are hollow cylindrical
current carrying contact fitted with an arc horn. The moving contact is also a
hollow cylinder with rectangular holes in the sides to permit the SF6 gas to let
out through these holes after flowing along and across the arc. The tips of
fixed contact, moving contact and arcing horn are coated with copper-tungsten
arc resistant material. Since SF6 gas is costly, it is reconditioned and
reclaimed by suitable auxiliary system after each operation of the breaker.
Rajah 16 menunjukkan bahagian pemutus litar SF6 biasa. Ia terdiri daripada contact tetap dan bergerak yang tertutup di ruang yang dipanggil ruang gangguan arka yang mengandungi gas SF6. Ruang ini dihubungkan dengan reservoir gas SF6. Apabila contact pemutus dibuka, mekanisme injap membenarkan gas SF6 tekanan tinggi dari takungan mengalir ke arah ruang gangguan arka. Contact tetap adalah silinder gegelung arus membawa contact dipasang dengan tanduk arka (arc horn). Contact bergerak juga merupakan silinder berongga dengan lubang segi empat tepat di sisi untuk membolehkan gas SF6 melepasi lubang-lubang ini setelah mengalir sepanjang dan melintasi arka. Petua contact tetap, contact bergerak dan arcing horn dilapisi dengan bahan tahan arc tembaga-tungsten. Oleh kerana gas SF6 mahal, ia dibaikpulih semula dan direkabentuk oleh sistem tambahan yang sesuai selepas setiap operasi pemutus.
Figure 16: Sulphur
Hexafluoride (SF6) circuit breakers
In the closed position of the breaker, the
contacts remain surrounded by SF6 gas at a pressure of about 2.8kg/cm2. When
the breaker operates, the moving contact is pulled apart and arc is struck
between the contacts. The movement of the moving contact is synchronized with
the opening of a valve which permits SF6 gas at 14 kg/cm2 pressure from the
reservoir to the arc interruption chamber. The high pressure flow of SF6
rapidly absorbs the free electrons in the arc path to form immobile negative
ions which are ineffective as charge carriers. The result is that the medium
between the contacts quickly builds up high dielectric strength and causes the
extinction of the arc. After the breaker operation i.e. after arc extinction,
the valve is closed by the action of a set of springs
Dalam kedudukan tertutup pemutus, contact tetap dikelilingi oleh gas SF6 pada tekanan kira-kira 2.8kg / cm2. Apabila pemutus beroperasi, contact bergerak ditarik dan arka dipukul antara contact . Pergerakan contact bergerak disegerakkan dengan pembukaan injap yang membolehkan gas SF6 pada tekanan 14 kg / cm2 dari takungan ke ruang gangguan arka. Aliran tekanan tinggi SF6 dengan cepat menyerap elektron bebas di laluan arka untuk membentuk ion negatif yang tidak bergerak yang tidak berkesan sebagai pembawa caj. Hasilnya adalah bahawa medium antara contact dengan cepat membina kekuatan dielektrik tinggi dan menyebabkan kepupusan arka. Selepas operasi pemutus i.e selepas kepupusan arka, injap ditutup oleh tindakan set spring.
Show the operation of the circuit breakers as
mentioned above
Write the advantages and disadvantages of the
circuit breakers as mentioned above
a. air circuit breaker
speed operation as compared to OCB
moisture content prolongs arching time
to withstand frequent switching
should be checked frequently for frequent operation
for high speed reclosure
of fire hazards due to over voltage
maintenance as compared to OCB
can’t be used for high voltage operation due to prolonged arc quenching
to lesser arc energy, air blast CB are very suitable for conditions where
frequent operation is required
air has relatively inferior arc extinguishing properties
b. oil circuit breaker
has good dielectric strength
operation, takes about 20 cycles quenching
is highly inflammable. So high risk of fire
is easily available
maintenance cost.
has wide range of breaking capability
c. vacuum circuit breaker
from arc and fire hazards
initial cost due to creation of vacuum
cost for maintenance & simpler mechanism
of contacts are depleted due to metal vapours
arching time & high contact life
cost & size required for high voltage breakers
and less vibrational operational
to vacuum contacts remain free from corrosion
are compact, reliable and have longer life
d. gas circuit breaker
short arcing period due to superior arc quenching property of SF6
breakers are costly due to high cost of SF6
interrupt much larger currents as compared to other breakers
gas has to be reconditioned after every operation of the breaker, additional
equipment is required for this purpose.
risk of fire
maintenance, light foundation
over voltage problem
are no carbon deposits
Comparison of Circuit
of explosion and fire due to increase in pressure during multiple operations
of hot air and ionized gas to the surroundings
risk of explosion
oil replacement
of arching contacts
lubrication for control devices
and dust in the atmosphere can change the internal properties and affect the
sealed, no effect due to environment