politeknik tuanku sultanah bahiyah ptsb kulim motivasi kesihatan dekorasi kerja dan puisi
Friday, 7 December 2012
birds (from wikipedia)
Birds (class Aves) feathered, winged, bipedal, endothermic (warm-blooded), egg laying, vertebrate animals. With around 10,000 living species, they are the most speciose class of tetrapod vertebrates. All species now belong to a subclass of Neornithes, and inhabit ecosystems across the globe, from the Arctic to Antarctica. Birds exist in a variety of sizes from 5 cm (2 in) Bee Hummingbird 2.75 m (9 ft) Ostrich. The
fossil record indicates that birds appear in theropod dinosaurs during
the Jurassic period, about 160 million years (Ma) ago. Clade
paleontologists regard birds as the only dinosaurs to have survived the
Cretaceous-Paleogene from extinction event 65.5 Ma (million years) ago.Modern
birds are characterized by feathers, beaks without teeth, put crusty
eggs, high metabolic rate, a four-chambered heart, and a lightweight but
strong skeleton. All
living species of birds have wings-the most recent species without
wings MOA, which is generally considered to have become extinct in the
1500s. Wings evolved forelimbs, and most bird species can fly. Birds fly, including ratites, penguins, and a number of various island endemic species. Birds also have unique digestive and respiratory systems are highly adapted for flight. Some
birds, especially corvids and parrots, are among the most intelligent
animal species; several bird species have been observed manufacturing
and using tools, and many social species exhibit cultural transmission
of knowledge across generations.Many species undertake long distance annual migrations, and many more perform irregular movement is shorter. Social
birds, they communicate using visual signals and through calls and
songs, and participate in social behaviors, including cooperative
breeding and hunting, interested, and mobbing of predators. The
majority of bird species socially monogamous, usually for one breeding
season at a time, sometimes for years, but rarely for life. Other species have polygynous ("many females") or, rarely, polyandrous ("many males") breeding systems. Eggs are usually laid in nests incubated by the parents. Many birds have extended parental care after hatching.Many species are of economic importance, mostly as sources of food acquired through hunting or farming. Some species, particularly songbirds and parrots, are popular as pets. Other uses include the harvesting of guano (droppings) for use as fertilizer. Birds figure apparent in all aspects of human culture from religion poetry popular music. About 120-130 species have become extinct due to human activities since the 17th century, and hundreds more before then. Currently
about 1,200 species of birds threatened with extinction by human
activities, though efforts are underway to protect them.
Monday, 3 December 2012
Sejahtera Malaysia
Sejahtera Malaysia
Puji dan syukur pada Ilahi
Anugerahnya tiada terhingga
Kedamaian kemakmuran
Malaysiaku bahagia
Dengan tekad untuk berjaya
Berbakti pada nusa dan bangsa
Kami junjung cita-cita luhur
Perpaduan seluruh negeri
( korus )
Seia sekata sehati sejiwa
Menghadapi cabaran
Kami sedia kami setia
Berkorban untuk negara
Bersemarak Malaysia tercinta
Kibarkan panji kebesarannya
Kami rela menjaga namamu
Sejahtera Malaysia
Sejahtera Malaysia
Puji dan syukur pada Ilahi
Anugerahnya tiada terhingga
Kedamaian kemakmuran
Malaysiaku bahagia
Dengan tekad untuk berjaya
Berbakti pada nusa dan bangsa
Kami junjung cita-cita luhur
Perpaduan seluruh negeri
( korus )
Seia sekata sehati sejiwa
Menghadapi cabaran
Kami sedia kami setia
Berkorban untuk negara
Bersemarak Malaysia tercinta
Kibarkan panji kebesarannya
Kami rela menjaga namamu
Sejahtera Malaysia
Sharifah Aini
Dikaulah harapan hati
Penghibur kala sunyi
Pergilah berbakti
Membela pertiwi
Janganlah kekanda bimbang
Untuk pergi berjuang
Andainya kau gugur
Jasamu dikenang
( 1 )
Dengarlah lagu kucipta
Gubahan mesra nan manja
Sebagai ganti diri
Bersama kau berbakti
Untuk ibu pertiwi
Kekanda di medan perang
Adinda di medan seni
Sama-sama berjuang
Sama-sama berbakti
Semoga tabah hati
Majulah kekanda maju jangan undur
Dinda mohon doa restu
Rela sehidup semati bersamamu
( ulang dari 1 )
Dikaulah harapan hati
Penghibur kala sunyi
Pergilah berbakti
Membela pertiwi
Janganlah kekanda bimbang
Untuk pergi berjuang
Andainya kau gugur
Jasamu dikenang
( 1 )
Dengarlah lagu kucipta
Gubahan mesra nan manja
Sebagai ganti diri
Bersama kau berbakti
Untuk ibu pertiwi
Kekanda di medan perang
Adinda di medan seni
Sama-sama berjuang
Sama-sama berbakti
Semoga tabah hati
Majulah kekanda maju jangan undur
Dinda mohon doa restu
Rela sehidup semati bersamamu
( ulang dari 1 )
Setangkai Mawar
Setangkai Mawar
Setangkai Mawar
Harum wangi dan bersinar
Setangkai mawar dijambangan
Dipuja-puja dalam jambangan
Idaman rindu sang kumbang
Tetap teguhnya ditangkai
Melambai ditiup sang bayu
Tak gugur bunga jangan dicapai
Indahnya menjadi ilhamku
Berjiwa suci dan beramal damai
Itulah ajaran yang benar
Aman dan tenang hidup yang permai
Dikeliling setangkai mawar
Tetap teguh hidup kita
Sebati membela negara
Dijunjung tinggi dipuja-puja
Harapan kita di Malaysia
Setangkai Mawar
Harum wangi dan bersinar
Setangkai mawar dijambangan
Dipuja-puja dalam jambangan
Idaman rindu sang kumbang
Tetap teguhnya ditangkai
Melambai ditiup sang bayu
Tak gugur bunga jangan dicapai
Indahnya menjadi ilhamku
Berjiwa suci dan beramal damai
Itulah ajaran yang benar
Aman dan tenang hidup yang permai
Dikeliling setangkai mawar
Tetap teguh hidup kita
Sebati membela negara
Dijunjung tinggi dipuja-puja
Harapan kita di Malaysia
Tanjung Puteri
Tanjung Puteri
Tanjung Puteri
Tajuk Johor Tanjung Puteri
Selat Tebrau airnya biru
Di Pantai Lido tepian mandi
Sepanjang masa di hari minggu
Atas bukit Tanjung Puteri
Taman hiburan indah berseri
Pemandangan menawan hati
Jalan tambak hubungan negeri
( korus )
Tanjung Sekijang nun di kuala
Tempat nelayan mengail gelama
Istana Hinggap di Kuala Danga
Pantai berkelah keluarga diRaja
Dari Tebrau orang berakit
Singgah Stulang membeli kopi
Pusara Si Bongkok di lereng bukit
Di tepi pantai Tanjung Puteri
Tanjung Puteri
Tajuk Johor Tanjung Puteri
Selat Tebrau airnya biru
Di Pantai Lido tepian mandi
Sepanjang masa di hari minggu
Atas bukit Tanjung Puteri
Taman hiburan indah berseri
Pemandangan menawan hati
Jalan tambak hubungan negeri
( korus )
Tanjung Sekijang nun di kuala
Tempat nelayan mengail gelama
Istana Hinggap di Kuala Danga
Pantai berkelah keluarga diRaja
Dari Tebrau orang berakit
Singgah Stulang membeli kopi
Pusara Si Bongkok di lereng bukit
Di tepi pantai Tanjung Puteri
Dirgahayu Tanahair Ku
Norsheila Amin & Rohana Jalil
Dirgahayu Tanahair Ku
( Rohana )
Persada indah permai
Pepohon menghijau menghias pantai
Putera Puteri mu tersenyum riang ria
Tegas Bebas sejahtera makmur maju jaya
Dibawah naungan payung mahkota
( Nosyela )
Pertiwi ku perkasa
Disanjung di puja setiap masa
Berwaspada sentiasa bersemangat waja
Satu bangsa satu bahasa satu budaya
Malaysia nusaku tercinta
( duet )
( korus )
Tumpuan.. pelancong
Dan juga para peniaga
Batik songket tenunan menawan
Terkenal merata dunia
Kepada mu oh pertiwi
Kasih ku abadi
Sejati murni
Rela ku Berbakti mesti terkorban diri
Padamu ku curah sumpah setia dan janji
Dirgahayu oh Tanahairku ( 2X )
Dirgahayu Tanahair Ku
( Rohana )
Persada indah permai
Pepohon menghijau menghias pantai
Putera Puteri mu tersenyum riang ria
Tegas Bebas sejahtera makmur maju jaya
Dibawah naungan payung mahkota
( Nosyela )
Pertiwi ku perkasa
Disanjung di puja setiap masa
Berwaspada sentiasa bersemangat waja
Satu bangsa satu bahasa satu budaya
Malaysia nusaku tercinta
( duet )
( korus )
Tumpuan.. pelancong
Dan juga para peniaga
Batik songket tenunan menawan
Terkenal merata dunia
Kepada mu oh pertiwi
Kasih ku abadi
Sejati murni
Rela ku Berbakti mesti terkorban diri
Padamu ku curah sumpah setia dan janji
Dirgahayu oh Tanahairku ( 2X )
Tanah Pusaka
Tanah Pusaka (Ahmad Marican / Wan Ahmad Kamal)
Tanah Pusaka
Sungguh gemilang negeriku
Yang kupuja oh tanah Malaysia
Diseluruh dunia negaraku
Yang berdaulat negaraku
Aman makmur kaya-raya
Selama-lama hidup maju jaya
Oh tanah pusaka
Negaraku yang berdaulat dan merdeka
Tanah pusaka bertuah
Berbagai bangsa didalamnya
Hidup aman dan bersama
Bertekun kerja untuk Malaysia
Musuh melanggarku gempur
Sungguh rela kugugur kerana
Kau tanah pusaka
Biar putih tulang jangan putih mata
Tanah Pusaka
Sungguh gemilang negeriku
Yang kupuja oh tanah Malaysia
Diseluruh dunia negaraku
Yang berdaulat negaraku
Aman makmur kaya-raya
Selama-lama hidup maju jaya
Oh tanah pusaka
Negaraku yang berdaulat dan merdeka
Tanah pusaka bertuah
Berbagai bangsa didalamnya
Hidup aman dan bersama
Bertekun kerja untuk Malaysia
Musuh melanggarku gempur
Sungguh rela kugugur kerana
Kau tanah pusaka
Biar putih tulang jangan putih mata
Sudirman (Syed Haron Ahmad)
Disini lahirnya sebuah cinta
Yang murni abadi sejati
Disini tersemai cita cita
Bercambah menjadi warisan
( korus )
Andai ku terbuang tak diterima
Andai aku disingkirkan
Kemana harusku bawakan
Kemana harusku semaikan cinta ini
Dibumi ini ku melangkah
Keutara selatan timur dan barat
Ku jejaki
Bukanlah seorang perwira
Gagah menjunjung senjata
Namun hati rela berjuang
Walau dengan cara sendiri
Demi cinta ini
( ulang korus )
Ku ingin kotakan seribu janji
Sepanjang kedewasaan ini
Ku ingin sampaikan pesanan
Aku lah penyambung warisan
Disini lahirnya sebuah cinta
Yang murni abadi sejati
Disini tersemai cita cita
Bercambah menjadi warisan
( korus )
Andai ku terbuang tak diterima
Andai aku disingkirkan
Kemana harusku bawakan
Kemana harusku semaikan cinta ini
Dibumi ini ku melangkah
Keutara selatan timur dan barat
Ku jejaki
Bukanlah seorang perwira
Gagah menjunjung senjata
Namun hati rela berjuang
Walau dengan cara sendiri
Demi cinta ini
( ulang korus )
Ku ingin kotakan seribu janji
Sepanjang kedewasaan ini
Ku ingin sampaikan pesanan
Aku lah penyambung warisan
Putra Putri
Putra Putri (Jimmy boyle / Dol Baharim)
Putra Putri
Putra Putri negara jaya
Bersatu berpadu tenaga
Padamu harapannya bangsa
Seandai cita-cita
Putra Putri sejati mulia
Kota bandar desa sepasti
Padamu harapan dewi suci
Bakti jasa jiwamu
Menegakkan nusa
Mendirikan bangsa
Putra Putri dewi
Cekal gagah berani
Putra Putri
Putra Putri negara jaya
Bersatu berpadu tenaga
Padamu harapannya bangsa
Seandai cita-cita
Putra Putri sejati mulia
Kota bandar desa sepasti
Padamu harapan dewi suci
Bakti jasa jiwamu
Menegakkan nusa
Mendirikan bangsa
Putra Putri dewi
Cekal gagah berani
Malaysia Berjaya
Malaysia Berjaya (Saiful Bahri)
Malaysia Berjaya
Malaysia kita sudah berjaya
Aman makmur bahagia
Malaysia abadi selamanya
Berjaya dan berjaya
Berbagai kaum sudah berikrar
Menuju cita-cita
Satu bangsa satu negara
Malaysia berjaya
Dari Perlis sampailah ke Sabah
Kita sudah merdeka
Negara makmur rakyat mewah
Kita sudah berjaya
Dengan semboyan kita berjaya
Menuju di angkasa
Satu bangsa satu negara
Malaysia berjaya
Malaysia Berjaya
Malaysia kita sudah berjaya
Aman makmur bahagia
Malaysia abadi selamanya
Berjaya dan berjaya
Berbagai kaum sudah berikrar
Menuju cita-cita
Satu bangsa satu negara
Malaysia berjaya
Dari Perlis sampailah ke Sabah
Kita sudah merdeka
Negara makmur rakyat mewah
Kita sudah berjaya
Dengan semboyan kita berjaya
Menuju di angkasa
Satu bangsa satu negara
Malaysia berjaya
Keranamu Malaysia
Keranamu Malaysia (Pak Ngah / Siso Kopratasa)
Keranamu Malaysia
Buruh, nelayan dan juga petani
Gaya hidup kini dah berubah
Anak-anak terasuh mindanya
Lahir generasi bijak pandai
Pakar IT, pakar ekonomi
Jaguh sukan dan juga jutawan
Berkereta jenama negara
Megah menyusur di jalan raya
Alam cyber teknologi terkini
Kejayaan semakin hampiri
Biar di kota ataupun desa
Kita semua pasti merasa bangga
Keranamu kami mendakap tuah
Keranamu kami bangsa berjaya
Keranamu kami hidup selesa
Limpah budi kemakmuran negara
Keranamu kami bebas merdeka
Keranamu myawa dipertaruhkan
Keranamu rela kami berjuang
Demi bangsa kedaulatan negara
( ulang dari mula )
Keranamu Negara Malaysia
Terima kasih Malaysia !
Keranamu Malaysia
Buruh, nelayan dan juga petani
Gaya hidup kini dah berubah
Anak-anak terasuh mindanya
Lahir generasi bijak pandai
Pakar IT, pakar ekonomi
Jaguh sukan dan juga jutawan
Berkereta jenama negara
Megah menyusur di jalan raya
Alam cyber teknologi terkini
Kejayaan semakin hampiri
Biar di kota ataupun desa
Kita semua pasti merasa bangga
Keranamu kami mendakap tuah
Keranamu kami bangsa berjaya
Keranamu kami hidup selesa
Limpah budi kemakmuran negara
Keranamu kami bebas merdeka
Keranamu myawa dipertaruhkan
Keranamu rela kami berjuang
Demi bangsa kedaulatan negara
( ulang dari mula )
Keranamu Negara Malaysia
Terima kasih Malaysia !
31 Ogos
Sudirman (Ahmad CB)
31 Ogos
Tanggal 31
Bulan lapan lima puluh tujuh
Merdeka ! Merdeka !
Tetaplah merdeka
Ia pasti menjadi sejarah
Tanggal 31
Bulan lapan lima puluh tujuh
Hari yang mulia
Hari bahagia
Sambut dengan jiwa yang merdeka
Mari kita seluruh warga negara
Ramai-ramai menyambut hari merdeka
Merdeka !
Tiga satu bulan lapan lima puluh tujuh
Hari mulia negaraku merdeka
31 Ogos
Tanggal 31
Bulan lapan lima puluh tujuh
Merdeka ! Merdeka !
Tetaplah merdeka
Ia pasti menjadi sejarah
Tanggal 31
Bulan lapan lima puluh tujuh
Hari yang mulia
Hari bahagia
Sambut dengan jiwa yang merdeka
Mari kita seluruh warga negara
Ramai-ramai menyambut hari merdeka
Merdeka !
Tiga satu bulan lapan lima puluh tujuh
Hari mulia negaraku merdeka
lagu negeri Perak
Sejarah Lagu Kebangsaan Malaysia: Melodi lagu negeri Perak sama dengan lagu Negaraku.
Lagu Kebesaran Negeri Perak
Dilanjutkan Allah usianya Sultan
Adil dan murah memerintah watan
Ditaati rakyat kiri dan kanan
Iman yang saleh Allah kurniakan
Allah berkati Perak Darul Ridzuan
Allah selamatkan Negeri dan Sultan
Lagu Kebesaran Perak.
Lagu Kebesaran Negeri Perak
Dilanjutkan Allah usianya Sultan
Adil dan murah memerintah watan
Ditaati rakyat kiri dan kanan
Iman yang saleh Allah kurniakan
Allah berkati Perak Darul Ridzuan
Allah selamatkan Negeri dan Sultan
Lagu Kebesaran Perak.
Lirik Lagu-lagu Patriotik - Malaysia Baru
Lirik Lagu-lagu Patriotik - Malaysia Baru
Andai hidup tak punya cinta
Pada bangsa maupun wanita
Hidup tak punya ertinya
Kenikmatan tidak dirasa
Cinta bangsa rasa mulia
Cinta wanita rasa bahagia
Menjadi kita penuh daya
Mencipta hidup sempurna
( korus )
Andai kita lalai sertalah lupa
Masa akan lari sia-sia
Jiwa kosong tak berharga
Dunia bukan syurga
Oleh itu mari kawanku
Berpimpin tangan berganding bahu
Segera capai cita yang satu
Di alam Malaysia baru
( ulang dari korus hingga akhir )
Andai hidup tak punya cinta
Pada bangsa maupun wanita
Hidup tak punya ertinya
Kenikmatan tidak dirasa
Cinta bangsa rasa mulia
Cinta wanita rasa bahagia
Menjadi kita penuh daya
Mencipta hidup sempurna
( korus )
Andai kita lalai sertalah lupa
Masa akan lari sia-sia
Jiwa kosong tak berharga
Dunia bukan syurga
Oleh itu mari kawanku
Berpimpin tangan berganding bahu
Segera capai cita yang satu
Di alam Malaysia baru
( ulang dari korus hingga akhir )
Lirik Lagu-lagu Patriotik - Kemegahan Negaraku
Lirik Lagu-lagu Patriotik - Kemegahan Negaraku
Selamatlah Malaysia jaya
Negaraku yang kucintai
Seumurnya gagah perkasa
Kedaulatanmu ibu pertiwi
Malaysiaku maha perkasa
Negaraku indah murni
Selamatlah Malaysia raya
Negaraku yang kucintai
Kemegahan Negaraku : (Jimmy boyle / Dol Baharim)
Selamatlah Malaysia jaya
Negaraku yang kucintai
Seumurnya gagah perkasa
Kedaulatanmu ibu pertiwi
Malaysiaku maha perkasa
Negaraku indah murni
Selamatlah Malaysia raya
Negaraku yang kucintai
Kemegahan Negaraku : (Jimmy boyle / Dol Baharim)
Lirik Lagu-lagu Patriotik - Fikirkan Boleh
Lirik Lagu-lagu Patriotik - Fikirkan Boleh
Jika kau fikirkan kau boleh
Kau hampir boleh melakukan
Jika kau fikirkan ragu-ragu
Usahamu tidak menentu
Jika kau fikirkan kekalahan
Kau hampiri kegagalan
Jika kau fikirkan kemenangan
Kau hampiri kejayaan
Engkaulah apa kau fikirkan
Terkandung dalam pemikiran
Kau fikir boleh melakukan
Fikirkan boleh
Percaya apa kau lakukan
Tabah apa kau usahakan
Bertindak atas kemampuan
Engkau boleh
Jika kau fikirkan kau boleh
Kau hampir boleh melakukan
Jika kau fikirkan ragu-ragu
Usahamu tidak menentu
Jika kau fikirkan kekalahan
Kau hampiri kegagalan
Jika kau fikirkan kemenangan
Kau hampiri kejayaan
Engkaulah apa kau fikirkan
Terkandung dalam pemikiran
Kau fikir boleh melakukan
Fikirkan boleh
Percaya apa kau lakukan
Tabah apa kau usahakan
Bertindak atas kemampuan
Engkau boleh
Lirik Lagu-lagu Patriotik - Jalur Gemilang
Lirik Lagu-lagu Patriotik - Jalur Gemilang
Merahmu bara semangat waja
Putihmu bersih budi pekerti
Kuning berdaulat payung negara
Biru perpaduan kami semua
Puncak dunia telah kau tawan
Lautan luas telah kau redah
Membawa semangat jiwa merdeka
Semarak jaya kami warganya
Empat belas melintang jalurnya
Semua negeri dalam Malaysia
Satu suara satu semangat
Itu sumpah warga berdaulat
Jalur gemilang... di bawah naunganmu
Jalur gemilang... kami semua bersatu
Perpaduan ketaatan
Amalan murni rakyat Malaysia
Jalur gemilang... megah kami terasa
Jalur gemilang... kibarkanlah wawasan
Merah putih biru kuning
Jalur semangat kami semua
Jalur gemilang
Jalur Gemilang : (Pak Ngah / Siso Kopratasa)
Merahmu bara semangat waja
Putihmu bersih budi pekerti
Kuning berdaulat payung negara
Biru perpaduan kami semua
Puncak dunia telah kau tawan
Lautan luas telah kau redah
Membawa semangat jiwa merdeka
Semarak jaya kami warganya
Empat belas melintang jalurnya
Semua negeri dalam Malaysia
Satu suara satu semangat
Itu sumpah warga berdaulat
Jalur gemilang... di bawah naunganmu
Jalur gemilang... kami semua bersatu
Perpaduan ketaatan
Amalan murni rakyat Malaysia
Jalur gemilang... megah kami terasa
Jalur gemilang... kibarkanlah wawasan
Merah putih biru kuning
Jalur semangat kami semua
Jalur gemilang
Jalur Gemilang : (Pak Ngah / Siso Kopratasa)
Sunday, 25 November 2012
essay: a musical instrument I would like to be able to play but can’t.
Actually, there's a lot of instruments I wish I was able to
play. But sadly I don't play any instruments.. yet .
I think I would like to play the guitar, but really,
I'm not cut out for it. Besides, I think
a guitarist should be able to sing, and I just can't.
I wanted to play violin since I was tiny, but my daughter
told me I'd never be good at any instrument because I have a learning
difficultly.It's also a stress release.
I just think you should always practise and try even if other people
tell you you cant.
You absolutely can't think of anything else while you're
concentrating on keeping a rhythm.
There are many benefits that come
from learning to play a musical instrument.
a. Learning to play an instrument
has mental and physical benefits.
i. Recently, studies have been completed looking at the emotional benefits of music. Results have shown that taking music lessons has decreased the levels of anxiety, depression, and loneliness.
ii. Playing an instrument such as piano can increase coordination skills, according to the article “Benefits of piano lessons for a beginner.” On piano, your hands tend to operate individually of each other. Your right hand plays the melody which is on the sheet music as the treble clef, while your left hand is playing the bass clef which is usually a part that is like a beat.
iii. An experiment done by the Michigan State University Music Therapy department in 1996 and 1997 revealed that senior citizens taking music lessons had a 90% increase of Human Growth Hormone levels.
iv. This is significant because the level of hGH is usually decreasing as one gets older. The higher levels lead to more energy and decreases in the rate of illness.
i. Recently, studies have been completed looking at the emotional benefits of music. Results have shown that taking music lessons has decreased the levels of anxiety, depression, and loneliness.
ii. Playing an instrument such as piano can increase coordination skills, according to the article “Benefits of piano lessons for a beginner.” On piano, your hands tend to operate individually of each other. Your right hand plays the melody which is on the sheet music as the treble clef, while your left hand is playing the bass clef which is usually a part that is like a beat.
iii. An experiment done by the Michigan State University Music Therapy department in 1996 and 1997 revealed that senior citizens taking music lessons had a 90% increase of Human Growth Hormone levels.
iv. This is significant because the level of hGH is usually decreasing as one gets older. The higher levels lead to more energy and decreases in the rate of illness.
essay: Transportation in Malaysia
layari juga: kerjaya-sebagai-pendidik
In order to developed countries in 2020, Malaysia has been providing adequate infrastructure to ensure smooth transportation system. Current transport has facilitated community life.
cars and taxis are used as a simple tool to a location. The vehicle as a prerequisite for the community to schools, offices, prayer rooms and supermarkets. Each family must have a car to help them in their daily activities. If you do not own a car, they have to use taxis to get to something tempat.Sebelum existence and advanced transportation system in the capital such as the Light Rail Transit (LRT) station operated by STAR and Putra, the bus is the most popular public transportation in Kuala mud. Most users can not escape from the service of Sri Jaya bus and mini bus. Bus services are provided not only operate in close trip even included a trip away, from one district to another district or from one state to another state.
Introduction of light rail transit (LRT) is a blessing to the people of this country. This sophisticated system should actually introduced much earlier before the traffic congestion becomes so serious. Users are able to get to a destination quickly without experiencing traffic jams.
Operating the Express Rail Link (ERL) KLIA Ekspres achieved another significant milestone national transportation system modernization and the railroad industry standard region. Through this service, passengers no longer need to be signed in at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) for the business can be done at KL CAT. By a concept also, travel KLIA Express carrying passengers from KL CAT to KLIA takes only a short time. His journey takes only 28 minutes and 15 minutes service frequency. This concept emphasizes the elements of time management as a key factor in efficient working.
Malaysia also achieved substantial progress in air and water supply services. So, the construction of the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) is a starting point that shows our flight service on par with developed countries. In addition, water transport such as ships are also available for domestic consumption or to the dealer for the convenience of their shipments.
Clearly, Malaysia strive for improvement in transport. As Malaysians, we should appreciate and use prudent transportation to bring goodness to all other groups and generations to come.
essay: a place I often go in my free time
The place I always visit when there
is free time to
visit my parents or my parents-in-law.
This is because I rarely have free time, and
I think it is better to visit
those who raised me
and my husband when I was small.
When the parents come home I usually will cook lunch and have lunch with them. Afternoon when they would ask us to take them to the clinic if sick, but if healthy they would ask us to bring them to the house of their relatives have long been no news. my husband and I will try to meet them so that they feel good.
Next to my husband's family had held a family reunion at Merdeka Beach. We have booked a homestay near the beach. Parents-in-law I also brought along. When I arrived it was already evening. When night came, we cooked some rice and some vegetables and bake corn, chicken, shrimp, squid, beef and fish near shore. Our sons are also happy to be able to play while eating with their cousins.
The next morning we bathe early in the morning on the beach because at this time the people has not yet arrived. After shower then we have breakfast.
After lunch we had to leave early because my children need to attend classes tuition. I hope that these activities should be maintained in the years to come.
When the parents come home I usually will cook lunch and have lunch with them. Afternoon when they would ask us to take them to the clinic if sick, but if healthy they would ask us to bring them to the house of their relatives have long been no news. my husband and I will try to meet them so that they feel good.
Next to my husband's family had held a family reunion at Merdeka Beach. We have booked a homestay near the beach. Parents-in-law I also brought along. When I arrived it was already evening. When night came, we cooked some rice and some vegetables and bake corn, chicken, shrimp, squid, beef and fish near shore. Our sons are also happy to be able to play while eating with their cousins.
The next morning we bathe early in the morning on the beach because at this time the people has not yet arrived. After shower then we have breakfast.
After lunch we had to leave early because my children need to attend classes tuition. I hope that these activities should be maintained in the years to come.
essay:a building that has made an impression on me
Indeed so many
historic buildings in the country, esp ecially in Malacca and Penang, but
unfortunately the economy is a lot of greed deck of this building was no longer
able to stand itself. Some thought the building should be kept as have many
positive impacts, especially on the lives of people but there are also
rejected. The mass media participate in the great discussions to determine
whether the development is more important or the most important of warisa
pengekalkan. Indeed, there are many good things that can be generated through
the preservation of this historic building.
The best retention impact these buildings certainly aspects of tourism. The tourism industry will be larger because of the foreign community just love to see the effects of this kind of history. The building is also a high cost for not having to build but only retained only as long built by the colonists or residents in the country. So, if it's old and historic building maintained the country's tourism sector will be affected most significantly.
Thus jobs are also able to set up due to the presence of these tourists. Not only work directly related to the industry such as tour bus driver but also ancillary works such as restaurants, hotels and public transport as well as craft stores will be affected foreign tourist arrivals. Community in the country will not feel concerned about losing jobs because they are easy to obtain another job. The maintenance of historic buildings capable of ensuring that all people in this country have a job.
Furthermore, the value or the feeling of love will surely grow well in instinct especially adolescent population in the country. These feelings exist for historic buildings associated with important events that happened in our country. The existence of this building over the centuries to make sure people continue to remember the importance of the historical events that transformed the nation. Clearly, the people of the country will have a high sense of nationalism.
Similarly, the country's image in the public eye straight world renowned as a heritage appreciation. Community that takes care of historic buildings will be deemed race leaders appreciate the culture and contributions of all. This attitude would create a positive impact on the public opinion in each country. So, we not only receive the economic impact but our image as a nation that the cultures were known.
In conclusion, the care of older buildings should be done by our beloved country. All parties regardless of age and parentage should have care responsibilities such buildings. We should not only prioritize modernity because without history of modernity have not we enjoy now. "It's timeless timelessness rain hot deck" proves how important this historic building for us.
The best retention impact these buildings certainly aspects of tourism. The tourism industry will be larger because of the foreign community just love to see the effects of this kind of history. The building is also a high cost for not having to build but only retained only as long built by the colonists or residents in the country. So, if it's old and historic building maintained the country's tourism sector will be affected most significantly.
Thus jobs are also able to set up due to the presence of these tourists. Not only work directly related to the industry such as tour bus driver but also ancillary works such as restaurants, hotels and public transport as well as craft stores will be affected foreign tourist arrivals. Community in the country will not feel concerned about losing jobs because they are easy to obtain another job. The maintenance of historic buildings capable of ensuring that all people in this country have a job.
Furthermore, the value or the feeling of love will surely grow well in instinct especially adolescent population in the country. These feelings exist for historic buildings associated with important events that happened in our country. The existence of this building over the centuries to make sure people continue to remember the importance of the historical events that transformed the nation. Clearly, the people of the country will have a high sense of nationalism.
Similarly, the country's image in the public eye straight world renowned as a heritage appreciation. Community that takes care of historic buildings will be deemed race leaders appreciate the culture and contributions of all. This attitude would create a positive impact on the public opinion in each country. So, we not only receive the economic impact but our image as a nation that the cultures were known.
In conclusion, the care of older buildings should be done by our beloved country. All parties regardless of age and parentage should have care responsibilities such buildings. We should not only prioritize modernity because without history of modernity have not we enjoy now. "It's timeless timelessness rain hot deck" proves how important this historic building for us.
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